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Early Years

For information on Early Years Homework (Nursery and Reception) see below...

Key Stage 1

For information on Key Stage 1 Homework (Year 1 and 2) see below...

Year 6

Year 6(1)

Key Stage 2

For information on Key Stage 2 Homework (Year 3 - Year 4 - Year 5 - Year 6) see below...

Homework in KS1 and KS2 is assigned on Friday and is due every Wednesday.

Creative Topic Homework is due on the last day of every half term for a class celebration of learning.


Spring 1

WEBSITE Year 1 Half termly Common Exception words
WEBSITE Year 2 Half termly Common Exception words
WEBSITE Year 3 Half termly focus spelling words
WEBSITE Year 1 Half termly Common Exception words
WEBSITE Year 2 Half termly Common Exception words
WEBSITE Year 3 Half termly focus spelling words


Spring 2

Spring 2 Year 1 Half termly Common Exception words
Spring 2 Year 2 Half termly Common Exception words
Spring 2 Year 3 Half termly focus spelling words
Spring 2 Year 4 Half termly focus spelling words
Spring 2 Year 5 Half termly focus spelling words
Spring 2 Year 6 Half termly focus spelling words
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