Our Safeguarding Committment
Our holistic approach to education, vision and values are underpinned by our safeguarding culture and commitment. We value, respect and recognise the rights of all children and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment so that all our pupils can learn in a relaxed, safe and secure atmosphere.
This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at, Hillyfield Primary Academy. We recognise our individual and collective responsibility to safeguard all who access our school and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.
For all safeguarding issues or concerns within school, please speak to one of our Designated and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Hillyfield Cross Site: Juliet Forsyth-Farrelly, Eleanor Woods and Amba Macantsionnaigh
Park School Site: Jacqui Lough and Dawn Kingswood
Hill School Site: Dan Rosser and Joseph Mugambwa
The best advice that we can give any child, or adult, if they feel that they or someone else is unsafe, is to tell someone.

Safeguarding Information
Safeguarding Links
If you are worried about a child outside of school, for example, in the school holidays or at the weekend, please contact the NSPCC. Call 0808 800 5000, Email help@nspcc.org.uk, Or online at nspcc.org.uk/help. If a child is in immediate danger or at risk of immediate harm please call the police emergency number 999.