Governors are responsible for the strategic direction of the school and for maintaining high educational standards. We are involved in developing school policies, the admissions procedure, recruitment, agreeing the school’s budget and improvement plan, setting targets and monitoring school performance.
Who are we?
We are a group of volunteers including parents, staff and the local community.
Several of the current governors, including our Community Governors, are parents of pupils or ex-pupils at the school.
Governance Information and Documents
Pre 2020
- James Ringer
I have worked in universities throughout my whole career, principally working with schools, students and their parents/supporters to deliver outreach projects. I am currently Director of Student Recruitment for Goldsmiths, University of London responsible for admissions process and policy, financial awards, global recruitment, marketing, events and widening participation.
I currently have two children at Hillyfield, which will become three in a few years’ time and I am delighted to have this opportunity to support the school.
- James Harrington
I am a Civil Service Fast Streamer, having joined the graduate leadership programme in October 2017. I graduated with a BA International Relations (Hons), from the University of Birmingham. I am a ‘new’ school governor, and have been impressed with the warmth and calibre of the teachers and fellow governors. I look forward to working with those associated with Hillyfield, to grow the enriching environment that the students and staff currently enjoy.
- Nadeem Javid - Vice Chair
As a father of three children I am honoured to serve the school as a parent governor and work with the school to ensure all our children are getting the best out of their time at school.
I work as a Senior Adviser to the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, focusing on social integration and communities. My role is to ensure that the Mayor is kept informed of Londoners’ concerns, whilst helping to devise and implement
London’s social integration strategy. From City Hall, I work closely with voluntary organisations and community groups, supporting them to improve the lives of Londoners.
I am proud that Hillyfiled is a wonderfully diverse school and I want to make sure we embrace and celebrate our diversity as much as possible. - Chana King - Chair
I am really pleased to be an associate governor at our school. My two children attend the Park site (Year 1 and Year 3).
The opportunity to have input in the school via the Governors is important to me. I am the Safer Recruitment lead and working with Chong Aik Lee to look at the school’s approach to Diversity and Inclusion as I have a keen interest in that area and to achieve our core value to create a sense of belonging.
I am a People Projects Manager working at Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing Association – a large national provider of social, shared ownership and affordable housing along with care and support.
I started my career in an educational centre for excluded children of secondary school age, worked at Ofsted – providing learning provision for Early Years Inspectors. I have over 15 years’ experience in Learning and Development and HR.
I also sit as a committee member of Migration Foundation, formerly known as the Ashmore fund. This was established to help migrants and the communities they live in, including people who are refugees and asylum seekers. Our vision is to make migration work for the whole community by creating places free from destitution and division.
I chair a community interest group call ‘BOB Community’. This group was set up following a training programme that our organisation invested in, to get more people of colour in a position to have confidence to apply for and improve success in gaining board roles. The committee seeks to support those who have completed the programme to continue on their journey and seek funding to sponsor young people onto similar programmes to support with their career opportunities.
Looking forward to supporting the school to achieve ‘Brilliance in Every Child, Excellence Every Day’
- Naomi Stokes
I have lived in Walthamstow for 10 years and have 2 children currently attending Hillyfield. My background is in the arts and I have worked as a Photographer for 20yrs. My job requires me to explore ideas in a creative way or from a new perspective, to be organised, to work in a team, to adhere to deadlines and budgets and in situations where confidentiality is paramount. I think these skills will help me in my role as a school governor.
I’m looking forward to supporting the school and working alongside people from a broad range of backgrounds and professions who are united in focusing on the best outcomes for all the children.
- Bongani Siziba
- Chantelle Otubambo
I am honoured to have been voted in as a parent governor at Hillyfield. I have lived in Walthamstow for 10 years and currently have one child attending the school. I am keen to positively contribute toward efforts to maintain an enriching and inspiring school environment for all children at Hillyfield.
I am a Civil Servant with over 10 years of experience in central Government policy making and research (with a focus on policing, crime, safeguarding and criminal justice), which includes leadership responsibility for a number of national projects. I also hold corporate responsibility for supporting and promoting equality and diversity within my Government Department and the wider Civil Service. I look forward to applying my transferable policy development, project management, governance and compliance skills in support of the school.
- Pete Lamb
More information to come
- Esmine Passley
More information to come
- Jessica Bembridge
More information to come
Appointment of Governors
Roddy Fairclough | Headteacher | |
Chana King | Associate (Chair) | 13/07/2020 to 12/07/2024 |
Nadeem Javaid | Community (Vice Chair) | 07/12/2023 to 06/12/2027 |
Jessica Bembridge | Community | 21/09/2023 to 20/09/2027 |
James Harrington | Community | 06/07/2023 to 05/07/2027 |
Naomi Stokes | Parent | 09/12/2021 to 08/12/2025 |
Bongani Siziba | Staff | 30/09/2021 to 29/09/2025 |
James Ringer | Parent | 09/12/2021 to 08/12/2025 |
Chantelle Otubambo | Parent | 09/12/2021 to 08/12/2025 |
Esmine Passley | Community | 06/07/2023 to 05/07/2027 |
Pete Lamb | Community | 06/07/2023 to 05/07/2027 |
We currently have 5 members, listed below, who meet annually. Two of our members are also Trustees. All our members have extensive experience in school governance.
Rebecca Lyons - Trustee
I have been associated with Hillyfield as a parent for the past four years and both of my children currently attend the school. I was part of the parent council and involved in enrichment sessions and then decided I would like to be more involved and committed to the school as a governor. My background is in Higher Education – until October 2017, I was the director of two history of art degree programmes run by Christie’s auction house in conjunction with the University of Glasgow. I am now the director of a continuing professional development programme at the Attingham Trust. I was elected Chair of the Governing Body in October 2017. I very much enjoy working with the dedicated and exceptional staff at Hillyfield, and particularly enjoy our governor monitoring visits where we get to see the fantastic, creative classrooms and happy, confident learners.
- Helen Emera
Bio coming soon...
- Charlotte Hickman
I was a community governor at Hillyfield and I joined in January 2017 until April 2022. I have been involved with the school for almost a decade as my three children all attended. I was the Vice-chair of Governors and as well as sitting on both the Resources and Education and Standards Committees, I had a specific role as a link governor for Safeguarding. This is such an important area and I work closely with the school’s senior management team to ensure that pupils from all backgrounds benefit from a fantastic education and range of opportunities. My professional background is as an economist and civil servant, primarily in the area of crime and policing and currently I lead on policy around domestic abuse. It is great to be able to put that experience to use in a different way to help and support Hillyfield to be the very best it can be.
- Andrew Jacobs
Bio coming soon..
2023/24 Minutes
Please see below our governing body minutes from 2023/24.
Signed copies are held at the school.
2022/23 Minutes
Please see below our governing body minutes from 2022/23.
Signed copies are held at the school.
2021/22 Minutes
Please see below our governing body minutes from 2021/22.
Signed copies are held at the school.
Contact details
If you wish to contact our Governors please do so by email via the school office, with for the attention of the school governors in the subject line or by post c/o Hillyfield Primary Academy, Aveling Park Road, London E17 4NR.