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Religious Education




At Hillyfield Primary Academy, we believe that Religious Education plays an integral role in developing our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth, where tolerant and respectful attitudes towards others are developed for all. During teaching of R.E, children gain a better understanding of themselves and their belief system, and those of others. In our R.E sessions we encourage an open platform where children can enquire, share personal experiences and reflect on acquired knowledge from previous units. Lessons are engaging and interactive, with a clear obligation to be inclusive and accessible for all. 
As well as developing factual knowledge of a variety of religions, R.E. also encourages students to ask questions about life, develop self-reflection and promotes attitudes of confidence and thoughtfulness about themselves. We aspire to help children to develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues which is an essential skill in our 21st century multicultural society. 
The school follows the Waltham Forest Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in accordance with Waltham Forest’s ‘Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education’ (SACRE). The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:
Know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews.
Express ideas and insights about the nature,  significance and impact of religions and worldviews.
Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews.

Our R.E progression document overview shows the learning journey pupils take throughout the different Key Stages to develop knowledge, skills and understanding.

Through working with our diverse, local and wider school community, we provide engaging opportunities for all pupils to gain a deeper insight into a wide range of diverse belief systems allowing pupils to further develop their cultural capital.


At Hillyfield, we teach Religious Education through RE Today’s scheme of work which is linked to Waltham Forest’s Agreed RE Syllabus 2021-2026. RE lessons are taught for a minimum of 1 hour every fortnight.  Work is recorded in Foundation books and is evidenced using a variety of outcomes as suggested by the agreed syllabus.The progression of lessons are carefully mapped to allow knowledge to be continually built upon each year. For example in EYFS, children will look at which times are special and why, and then in Key Stage 2 children can explore why festivals are important to religious communities. 

Our children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to make connections between different world religions, as well as humanist views. At Hillyfield, we are inclusive of religious and non-religious worldviews and our delivery of this subject is respectful of this. The amount of coverage religions receive within our progression document, were decided upon the borough’s demographic of religions. The 6 major world religions that are covered are: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Humanists views are also covered.


Our RE curriculum is consciously planned to encompass aspects from all religions. Through their RE learning, our pupils become tolerant and respectful members of society. They are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community. This is evident when talking to our pupils. Our pupils leave us with a good understanding of the main religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multicultural society. Through their RE learning, our pupils become tolerant and respectful me

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